Don't work with assholes

This is another way of saying Be authentic, and if you can't be authentic, look for the exitBe authentic, and if you can't be authentic, look for the exit
Attempts to compromise on authenticity tend to lead to flailing, inconsistent attempts to make peace with a situation, followed by rebellion against it, followed by further failed attempts at compr...
, because interacting with assholes requires you to put up armor, all the time. It's a way to Be kind to Future YouBe kind to Future You
(Unless you can think of a better way to treat Future You?)

Here are some ways to do it:

Avoid debt, avoid jail
Earn enough to save
Decouple income from time spent working
, because the time spent dealing with assholes will wear on you, and impact your ability to Cultivate a connection with other beingsCultivate a connection with other beings
Just because it's fun, and a great way to Increase optionality and Learn new shit.

It's a way to Seek win win wins, since every win-win-win requires 2 other people.
(who aren't assholes).

Just as when you Minimize time and energy spent working for the ManMinimize time and energy spent working for the Man
This is a corollary of Avoid giving money to people, organizations, or causes you hate (if you can help it).

(Who's "The Man"? One definition might be "anyone you wouldn't invest time in if yo...
, you'll take a financial hit. It's worth it.