It's easy to get lost in list building, asset creation, research, process and automation … and never actually talk to anyone. Which defeats the purpose of outreach.
Research is important! As a general rule, Don't reach out to someone until you've read at least three things they've written Private or Broken Links
The page you're looking for is either not available or private!
But don't overthink or overplan. After 20 minutes of research, send off at least one message telling someone what you're up to, or asking a question. Start with friendliesStart with friendlies
In tackling a new project, trying to sell your product or service, or attempting to become the leader of the free world, your reach and influence will extend outward over time, like concentric circ....
Getting feedback early and often is a way to Increase optionalityIncrease optionality
Do stuff where you have the option, but not the obligation, to act on the outcome.
Tweet about what you're working on (you can decide whether / how to engage with replies)
Say yes to....