Don't get covid

It's a way to Be kind to Future YouBe kind to Future You
(Unless you can think of a better way to treat Future You?)

Here are some ways to do it:

Avoid debt, avoid jail
Earn enough to save
Decouple income from time spent working

Consider side effectsConsider side effects
Here's an example of a side effect: Every place on earth has unsafe levels of plastic in the rainwater.

Seems bad. How do we do less of this?

When considering a change, especially a technolog...
: The exact odds of incurring some sort of long term, debilitating sequela are unknown, but it sure looks like they're in the double digits.

Which is way too high, because most of the common sequelae will make it hard or impossible to Earn enough to saveEarn enough to save
To Increase optionality, and comply with the "debt" part of Avoid debt, avoid jail.
, Avoid debt, avoid jailAvoid debt, avoid jail

(at least the debt part), Go outsideGo outside
It feels good. If you need it, there's plenty of science that says it's good for you.

Humans have been staring at screens for about 0.013333% of our time on earth. It might be bad! Who knows.

, Grow your own foodGrow your own food
Because it's satisfying, and because it's a way to Keep cost of living low.
, Keep cost of living lowKeep cost of living low
A low cost of living is a way to Increase optionality since you won't urgently need to consume resources as they come your way. It makes it easier to Earn enough to save.

It also requires ...
, Learn new shitLearn new shit
Just because it's fun.

But if you need more reasons, gaining more knowledge is a way to Increase optionality. And learning is a prerequesite to being able to Teach people shit.
, Seek flow statesSeek flow states
All emotional anguish and mental quandaries disappear when you enter a flow state. Put another way: the only problems you have are the problems that prevent you from entering flow.

It helps to P...
, and Teach people shitTeach people shit
Just because it's fun.

But if you need more reasons, because it's a good way to Cultivate a connection with other beings, and if it's paid, it has the potential to help Decouple income from ...